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About Me

Fayeth's Story

Poems 'n' Quotes

Sketch Journal

Photo Album

My Cookbook


*curtsies* Hello, and welcome to Azure Nandė!
I'll be your guide on your tour this evening. Azure Nandė, simply put, is the kingdom that resides in your mind. It is whatever you want it to be, and it is wherever you are. Because of this, Azure Nandė is different for each person, and it is a different experience each time you visit. It has been called many names, but it is most commonly known as your imagination. 

 Who am I? I'm no one special. My name is Trinity Fayeth Morgenstern, but please call me Fayeth (it's pronounced Faith). This evening you'll get the opportunity to see Azure Nandė through the eyes of one young woman. Some of you may know her well, while for others this may be your first encounter with her. As for me, I know her very well. She is the one who created me, and she is the only one who knows my story. 

As you continue on your tour, you'll learn more about me and my story. You'll also learn about the young woman who created me. 

Let's continue, shall we? *leads you towards the "About Me" link*

=pronunciation: a-zh-ur non-day